Wandering Tales | Smorgasburg ... Again
After the first time I went to Smorgasburg, I said really wanted to go back again. Bestie C and I finally got the chance to squeeze in a visit Saturday. The weather forecast for the day predicted clouds and a bit of precipation. But it was sunny, almost cloudless, and pleasantly windy all day. The perfect weather (minus the sudden gusts of wind) for going to an outdoor food gathering.
Vermont Maple Lemonade Stand

Butternut Donut - $1
We actually got to Williamsburg about half an hour too early. All the vendors were still setting up and we could only sit and wait for them. The two of us were starving! So when we saw a stall with these dollar donuts, we grabbed one for each of us and devoured it. I thought my donut tasted a little bit stale, but it could just be that the donut is a lot denser and more muffin like than what I am use to for a donut. I love that it wasn't overly sweet, just right for me. The sweetness came mostly from the coating so (I think) it balanced well with the butternut donut.

Ramen Burger - $8
Since we arrived super early, the line for the ramen burger was still really short. So...we thought why not...!? I know I said I probably wouldn't buy it again but that was because I expected the lines to be always really long. Again, I felt that the burger was alright. I would have preferred it to have sauce on both noodles buns because it makes it taste SO much better IMO, otherwise the no-sauce bites of ramen tasted a bit bland. Throughout the day we overheard others who tried it and there were overall mixed reviews. I guess it's a personal preference kind of thing? It's definitely a novelty idea and worth at least a try.
Mighty Quinn's

Big Brisket Sandwich - $9 (the Lil sandwiches are $5)
The first time we went to Smorgasburg, we noticed the line for Mighty Quinn's was on par with Ramen Burger's line but didn't get to try their stuff. This time around I couldn't give up the chance again. We were going to get the 'lil' sandwich because we had just finished the ramen burger. But then I noticed how tiny and bite-sized the 'lil' sandwich was. That was definitely a one person sandwich. Plus, the price point of that wasn't worth getting two small ones...so one big sandwich it was. Anyways! I really liked the brisket. It was pretty moist and juicy. The only thing negative was I thought the buns (or top bun in particular) was a bit too thick for my liking.
Pecan Patti

Pomegrante Sweet Tea - $6

Fresh Ginger Sweet Tea - $6
Of all the stands that I remember of that offered non-alcoholic drinks, the teas from this stand probably gives the most value for your money. There was another stand(s) that sold quart-sized drinks but their prices were closer to the double digit range. I liked it so much that I decided to buy the ginger tea to take home for my family to try. I can't pick a favorite though...they all tasted very good to me.
Lumpia Shack

Sampler (L to R ... 3 of each: Original, Vegetarian Truffled Adobo Mushroom, Peking Duck) - $9
I also wanted to try this the last time I went to Smorgasburg but was discouraged by the price. This time I didn't care so much because I really wanted to try lumpia at least once. (I blame itsjudyslife for this craving! :P) I'm glad they offered a Sampler on their menu since I am rather indecisive when it comes to food. This was by far my favorite savory dish of the day. Of course, who wouldn't love a bit of fried food? However...I was kind of expecting them to be bigger or even longer. This seemed more like an appetizer/snack portion. Is this the standard lumpia size? I really have no idea :X
Butter & Scotch

Sticky Toffee Trifle - $6
At this point in the day, I was already pretty full from all the foods and liquids. But I spotted a couple eating this concoction and my sweet tooth was craving it. I've never had a trifle before. Basically this one was a layered dessert with toffee cake baked with some sort of fruit (I think), along with TONS of cream. I think I heard the lady at the stand say there was rum or something alcohol-y in it as well. (I am not sure about this one actually...but judging from their name, Drunk Bakers, I'd say it's safe to assume some is in there.) It was delicious. But of course very indulgent. & I will proudly say I don't regret getting it ^__^
Momo Dressing

Sesame Dressing 12oz - $7 ... (8oz - $5)
I tried Soba noodles over the summer and wanted to try eating it in a different way (other than with spicy soy sauce). The people at the Momo dressing stand recommended the Sesame version for soba. *Cross my fingers* I hope it end up I liking it! I'm actually not a big fan of sesame seeds, but do like sesame flavor. (I know that sounds very contradicting...) Has anyone tried a sesame sauce before with noodles? How is that combo?
Has anyone else made a visit to Smorgasburg yet? What did you try? What are your recommendations?
If you haven't and will be in NYC before the end of November, you still have the chance to visit!