tria Hair Removal Laser 4X & SmoothStart Calming Gel - 4 Months
It is now the 4th month into the tria Hair Removal Laser 4X journey. Nothing unexpected has happened in the last 31 days in terms of hair loss results. At this point, I don't think I am hoping for anything surprising to happen anymore. I have almost come to terms with the fact that the tria laser isn't working for certain areas of my body.

The initial excitement I had for the device seems to be dwindling. The regions which showed success continue to be a little more hair-free as the weeks go by. The places that didn't seem to be responding to the treatment are still not showing much improvement. I want to continue zapping and give the tria Hair Removal Laser a good chance. But with stagnant results, it is slowly becoming a tedious extra step I have to keep in my routine. I am not as meticulous with the treatment as I was 4 months ago.
Maybe I need to start targeting brand new areas of my body to keep my interest in the device? Peach fuzz on my cheeks? Leg hair? Both would be the most time consuming out of all the areas of my body to treat; the spaces are large and the hairs follicles are numerous. We'll see...

Upper lips.
Sighing is all I can do now when I look at the 'stache situation. Nothing seems to be happening at all here for the hairs. At least the acne is keeping me distracted from the lack of progress, but that is a whole new set of worries.

The pit hairs are slowly, but surely, dwindling in numbers. The number of hair follicles left is also diminishing. There are more spots that only feel warm when I laser it instead of the quick-burn sensation that was more prominent in previous month's sessions.I am not sure if the red bumps that are forming in the most recent photo are because of ingrown hairs, irritation, or random armpit acne. Hopefully, it isn't the first because then my skin might be becoming less responsive to the laser.

Knuckle hairs.
Again, not much as changed for the little knuckle hairs. The little buggers are still creepy through the surface of the skin no matter how much I zap at them.Is it obvious that I have less and less to say in this month's update? I am thinking that I will continue treating these areas for another 2 months to make it an even half year's time. Then I will either continue my bi-weekly shaving routine or not shave at all for a while to see how much hair lingers or grows back.