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tria Hair Removal Laser 4X & SmoothStart Calming Gel - 2 Months

My feelings towards the tria Hair Removal Laser system at the 2-month mark is, with a doubt, mixed. Had I not kept a photo record for comparison, I may have even been a tad disappointed. The lasering seems to be working well in one area but not as nicely in the others. I can't say for sure if it is due to do the type of hair or the particular area I am trying to target. Then again, there is still a month left in the promised 3-months results period. So who's to say the progress won't be exponentially better in a few weeks time?

tria Hair Removal Laser Facial Hair 6 Weeks

tria Hair Removal Laser Facial Hair 8 Weeks

tria Hair Removal Laser Facial Hair 10 Weeks, 2 months

3 zapping sessions per month seem to be the treatment norm with the biweekly laser recommendation. Unlike the first month though, I survived all 3 sessions this time at level 5 power and without the SmoothStart Calming Gel.

I mentioned how I didn't feel like the gel was very effective at numbing the pain in the last update. After going through the treatments without the gel last month, I still think the gel is not 100% necessary. The sensational difference between the laser zaps with and without the gel is negligible. The gel, if nothing else, provides a placebo effect to help calm my own nerves. There was some pain with it and without it.

It will hurt when the laser hits a hair follicle. The main variable is the degree of pain. When the laser doesn't reach any hair follicle, there is no pain. Just warmth. (I think) when the laser hits a finer type of hair, the pain is, as many others' have described already, akin to when a rubber band strike against the skin. When that beam of light hits thicker hair, however, a better-suited comparison would be as if something extremely hot briefly grazes your skin at a very specific location. The sting lasts a tad longer and reaches deeper.

tria Hair Removal Laser Facial Hair 6 Weeks Closeup

tria Hair Removal Laser Facial Hair 8 Weeks Closeup

tria Hair Removal Laser Facial Hair 10 Weeks, 2 months Closeup

Upper lips.

This is one of the areas where I am unsure if the tria Hair Removal Laser has been very effective so far. While I thought I saw slower regrowth in the shaved areas in my last update, the recent photos don't show any major differences. The bald spots still are hairless. The sparse hair spots still show little hair strands.

tria Hair Removal Laser Armpits Hair 6 Weeks

tria Hair Removal Laser Armpits Hair 8 Weeks

tria Hair Removal Laser Armpits Hair 10 Weeks, 2 months


If it weren't for the armpit photos, I would have been surely disappointed. The results in my underarm region are the most reassuring towards continuing the laser treatment journey. The regrowth of the hairs is much slower and the new hairs also look thinner than before.

tria Hair Removal Laser Knuckle Hair 6 Weeks

tria Hair Removal Laser Knuckle Hair 8 Weeks

tria Hair Removal Laser Knuckle Hair 10 Weeks, 2 months

Knuckle hairs.

The other area where I am unsure if the tria laser is of any use. It is difficult to see in the photos. But the few hairs that I shaved and zapped are definitely growing back. Whether it is coming back at a slower rate or thinner shape, I am not completely sure.

tria Hair Removal Laser 4X & SmoothStart Calming Gel - 1 Month

Here we are, a month into my at-home laser hair removal journey! It is still too premature to say whether or not the tria Hair Removal Laser system works. But that is not of anyone's fault. The company even said it takes at least 3 months before results are very apparent. This series is mainly to keep everyone updated and so I too can look back and see if there was any progress or not. I am committing myself to a monthly update.

tria Hair Removal Laser Facial Hair 2 Weeks

tria Hair Removal Laser Facial Hair 4 Weeks, 1 month

Now that I am looking at it, I guess my wispy moustache hairs aren't that big of an issue in full face, medium scale photos. Sometimes it does feel like the hairs add a dark-ish shadow to the corners of my mouth though. Does it?

Since the first introductory post I made, I have used the laser on 2 additional occasions. Just as a recap: the very first session was conducted at the level 3 setting with no calming gel, the second at level 4 with calming gel, and the third at level 5 with calming gel.

I was surprised by how ineffective the SmoothStart Calming Gel was at stopping the pain sensation. When that laser hits a hair follicle, you can definitely feel the zap. The gel did help a little with the warm feeling which comes with the laser zapping. Having too thick a layer of the gel product doesn't give any extra protection, unfortunately. Doing this actually hinders the laser from being able to sense the skin properly.

I was equally shocked to find that level 5 doesn't really hurt that much more compared to level 3 or 4. Since I have the gel, it won't go to waste. It will most definitely be used up. As for whether I would repurchase it or deem it necessary with the laser, my current answer is no. Then again...I haven't tried level 5 without the gel. Perhaps I'll try it and update next month.

tria Hair Removal Laser Facial Hair 2 Weeks Closeup

tria Hair Removal Laser Facial Hair 4 Weeks, 1 month Closeup

Upper lips.

There was probably no progression in hair loss or less hair growth 2 weeks after the first treatment. By the next bi-weekly session, I did notice slower hair growth. It didn't feel like there were any bald spots per say. Just that the hairs seemed like it was coming back at a slower pace. It is difficult to get a clear shot of what I mean with the upper lips.

tria Hair Removal Laser Armpits Hair 2 Weeks

tria Hair Removal Laser Armpits Hair 4 Weeks, 1 month


The results are surely more noticeable with my armpits hairs. Some hairs grew back just as long but there are also equally as many, if not more, follicles that are thinner and shorter. I am also keeping my fingers crossed that the hair laser will help fix the ingrown hairs somehow.

tria Hair Removal Laser Knuckle Hair 2 Weeks

tria Hair Removal Laser Knuckle Hair 4 Weeks, 1 month

Knuckle hairs.

This area was the most difficult to treat. Since the laser nozzle is flat and my knuckles are anything but, getting the laser to sensor my skin was challenging. There is a high possibility that I missed some hair follicles. But there does seem like something happening to the knuckle hairs; certain fingers' also experienced the same slower and finer hair regrowth like on my upper lips and armpits.

It hasn't been 3 months yet, but I think I can safely say there are some results even after 1 month. The photos seem promising enough to continue on with the process. 'Til next time!

tria Hair Removal Laser 4X & SmoothStart Calming Gel - Before

lavlilacs tria Hair Removal Laser 4X and SmoothStart Calming Gel Duo

Thousands upon thousands of dollars. Per session. For many, many sessions. That is just not the kind of money I think I would be able 1) not only have but 2) have the willingness to spend on something as arbitrary as my excess hair. When the tria and other similar products first started to get really popular amongst bloggers and YouTubers a few years back, I was also very much intrigued. At-home laser hair removal would be perfect if it worked. The main reason I held back was the price tag. A few hundred dollars is pretty hefty for something that may or may not work.

I am not sure when it happened. At some point in the past year, after an armpit hair tweezing and mustache shaving session, I just felt like splurging investing in one of those at-home systems. This is what all those recent Sephora hauls were leading up to. The tria Hair Removal Laser 4X seemed like a good choice given that it is FDA-cleared and is similar tech-wise to what the professionals use. Being able to earn points at Sephora, use their 20% discount, and earn eBates on the order inched me that much closer to the decision. The dealbreaker was being reassured by a Sephora associate, in-store, that if I didn't like it or didn't see results I could return the tria within a year with the receipt. I don't know if this is true for all stores or even all associates. But I chose to believe the one response and go for it anyways.

Ultimately I bought this for $376.71. ($499 - 20% VIB discount + $31.88 NYC tax - $14.37 eBates Cash Back.)
Right now, 12.01.2016, Sephora is selling this same set for $399 and tria's own website has it for $387.

lavlilacs tria Hair Removal Laser 4X and SmoothStart Calming Gel Packaging

So viola! My Sephora VIB 2016 Holiday Haul in all its glory. My one, very big, item purchase. Even the box it came in seemed luxurious and secure. I can't say I have been this excited for an electronic in a while. The days I had to wait for this felt especially agonizing because I hyped myself so much and anticipations were very high.

lavlilacs tria SmoothStart Calming Gel Packaging
lavlilacs tria SmoothStart Calming Gel Swatch lavlilacs tria SmoothStart Calming Gel Swatch blended

I chose to get the duo set because from experience I tend to have a very low pain tolerance. Any hair removal method that requires the plucking of the follicles is usually too much for me to bear. The only exception I have grown immune to is in the armpit area. I thought the tria SmoothStart Calming Gel would come in handy in that respect. Plus, the price at the time for the duo and for the laser by itself were the same for this particular Turquoise color.

tria claims that the gel has anti-inflammatory and cooling properties to help make it more comfortable with the hairs are being zapped. It is a bit opaque and cloudy in color straight out of the tube. Once it is spread out, the gel is translucent. I chose not to use the Calming Gel the first time I tested the machine. However, from the little amount I placed and rubbed onto my hand for the photo, I can tell that it did give a cooling sensation to wherever I applied it.

lavlilacs tria Hair Removal Laser 4X

lavlilacs tria Hair Removal Laser 4X Logo

lavlilacs tria Hair Removal Laser 4X Locked screen
lavlilacs tria Hair Removal Laser 4X Bottom lavlilacs tria Hair Removal Laser 4X Skin sensor closeup
lavlilacs tria Hair Removal Laser 4X Unlocked screen

The at-home laser is simple enough to use. The pamphlet recommends charging it for at least 2 hours after it is taken out of the box and before it can be used. After it is fully charged and the gray button on the top is pressed, I believe the screen will say something along the lines of "the device needs to be registered". If it doesn't it, it still most definitely needs to be done anyway before the laser can be used. Each tria Hair Removal Laser 4X has its own Serial # that has to be registered with the company. It is a simple procedure that just requires setting up an account on

The next time the On/Off button is pressed, the Locked screen will pop up to prevent any accidental zaps. Pressing the bottom of the laser device to the skin will promptly Unlock the machine. Well, this step should unlock it if the skin that was sensored is in the correct color range, a.k.a. light to tan but not pale or dark. Each press of the gray On/Off button whilst on the Unlocked screen thereafter would be to select 1 of the 5 energy levels. The screen itself shows the energy levels, battery life, and the number of zaps it has made.

Tria recommends using the maximum level 5 in order to see the best results. Each body area also has a corresponding recommended number of pulses. Every following zapping should overlap the last by at least half a circle. Which to be completely honest is very difficult to keep track of. The company also states that results do not usually show for at least 3 months with bi-weekly treatment.

  • Upper lip: 25 pulses, 2-3 minutes
  • Underarms: 100 pulses per side, 4-5 minutes per side
  • Bikini: 200 pulses per side, 8-10 minutes per side
  • Upper leg: 600 pulses per side, 25-30 minutes per side
  • Lower leg: 600 pulses per side, 25-30 minutes per side

lavlilacs tria Hair Removal Laser 4X Laser light closeup

Like mentioned before, I chose to go gel-free in order to see how painful the laser would be and to know what level of laser I could handle on my own. It was a very strange experience. I stuck to Level 3 throughout my entire first round of treatment. The overall feeling was just warmth. No matter if you hit a hair follicle or not, the laser will leave the spot a little warm. When a follicle is hit by the laser though, it can range from a tiny pricking feeling to something akin to having a rubber band hit that direct spot very suddenly. It definitely caught me by surprise every time the latter happened because I felt the lighter sensations more. There was an urge to immediately pull the laser away but I had to stop myself since tria mentions it is most successful to keep the laser on there until the end of the zap.

**WARNING: Photos below might make some people uneasy.**

Since I knew the Sephora VIB sale would happen sometime in November, I stopped plucking any of the hairs I wanted to treat for one month. It isn't a long enough time to have all the hairs grow back but at least there was enough for me to be able to properly test out the device. Before I got too pulse happy, I had to make sure I shaved off the surface hairs first to make it easier for the laser to reach the roots.

tria Hair Removal Laser Facial Hair Before

tria Hair Removal Laser Facial Hair Closeup Before

Facial hair and body hair has always been an issue for me. Once puberty hit me, I noticed how my body changed. Not just that I was starting to go through monthly menstrual cycles but also that my underarms began to smell funny whenever it got warm outside. I also saw how little tiny hairs, thick and thin, would sprout from my pits and legs and many other places throughout my body. While most follicles could be hidden with clothes almost everywhere else, my face was the one place I could not hide and was the most self-conscious about.

What is it exactly is the person focusing on when they look at me right in the face? My pimples? My big mole? Or all those mustache-esque wisps sticking out near my lips? Maybe all these insecurities added to the reason I tend to be so introverted.

I remember distinctly how my teenage self would always try to rip out those pesky hairs with my bare fingertips whenever I caught myself thinking about them. I remember how I would blame my bad genetics because once I noticed it on my own face, I started to notice it on my mom's as well. Then fast forward a bunch of years and two medical conditions later, I might have found a partial answer to why I had seemingly so much hair: PCOS. I thought, and my parents probably thought, I was a freak when we first found out. All that the doctors told us then was just "your testosterone levels are high". As a teenage girl, who wouldn't freak out about that? Forget about having fewer periods and having too many cysts in my ovaries...what do you mean my male hormone level was abnormal?! Am I going to grow more facial hair? Could I get an Adam's apple? Would my voice deepen?

Okay, maybe I was over-exaggerating to myself. Most of my worries didn't happen, no Adam's apple or "manlier voice". Hairiness is still a situation for me but not nearly as extreme as I have heard it can be for other people with PCOS. I still suffer from other symptoms. But of course, my hairy insecurities still remain.

Nowadays I just try my hardest not to think about it, the hair. When I do, I tend to immediately try to get rid of it. This usually means I reach for my eyebrow razors a lot to do the quick job of shaving the 'stache hairs off. I have tried a couple other ways to remove my facial hairs too. Tweezing never sat well because my lip area is so sensitive and the same reasonings goes for self-threading. But as the photos show, there is evidence of plucked upper lip hairs from the random hairless spots near the corners of my mouth. Treating this area was one of the main reasons I decided to take the plunge with the tria laser.

tria Hair Removal Laser Armpits Hair Before

My underarms were the other big reason why I considered going the laser route. I began my hair removal journey with shaving. But I found that I was still left with a dark shadow from all the stubbles and it would not last very long. Shaved pit hairs would usually start to grow back the very next day. The absolute worst part of regrowth was the dreaded itchiness.

Somehow a friend brought up the topic of underarm hair removal a few years back and the idea of tweezing was thrown around. Since I was bored and procrastinating from typical college stuff then, I spend a good 30+ minutes going to town pull each hair out of my armpits. It was definitely uncomfortable at first but I found it surprisingly easy to handle plucking these hairs than any other ones. The positives were, of course, the slower regrowth and finer hairs.

Despite winning an epilator before tweezing became a part of my routine, I was always too scared of the potential pain. It is supposed to be like a bunch of tweezers working all at one time. Once I realized my pits were tougher than expected, an epilator was a life and time saver. Until...I became increasingly annoyed by how difficult it was to clean all the hairs out of the teeny crevices. Talk about unhygienic!

So that's how the story goes and I found myself going through the tedious task of tweezing each hair one by one again. Maybe it is because I went through so many methods yet still came back to this particular one. I found it even more strenuous on my eyes this time around while trying to pluck those underarm hairs. Even though I could stare into the right corner for a long time, no problem, staring to the other side caused me to lose focus and become rather lightheaded and dizzy easily. To say I am hoping the Hair Removal Laser works well at least in this main department would be a major understatement.

tria Hair Removal Laser Knuckle Hair Before

Now knuckle hairs never really bothered me at all. They can be there or not, no big deal. I only included it in this series because I first used it as a test area to see how tolerant I am of the different energy levels and because why the heck not? I have the device anyway so let's see how well it works on as many body parts as I can.

I always thought I would go for professional laser hair removal if I ever had the money to. But maybe now I won't have to. We'll see. A major reason why I wanted to push this post out so soon and interrupt the travel series was so I could hold myself accountable and keep up with treatments. If not, how else would I see if this potential miraculous device actually works? Wish me luck!

Review: Goody Quikstyle

Haircare is definitely not one of my top priorities. My hair is not amazing, but honestly, I am just too lazy to do much of anything with it. The usual haircare routine is literally just shampoo, wrap in towel, let it soak up some water, and then leave my hair down to air dry. I only comb through my hair when I feel it is very knotted (usually after I wake up).

Air drying hair takes forever. But a girl's gotta do what she's gotta do for healthier hair! (Especially after years of Japanese perming that I did in my middle school & early high school years.) For reference, I have mid to long length and relatively straight, yet sometimes poofy, hair. If I am just at home it can take a good 5+ hours for my hair to completely dry. When I go outside with wet hair, of course, it dries much quicker because of the wind.
Goody Quikstyle is a paddle brush with anti-bacterial microfiber bristles in between the standard knobbed plastic bristles. The product is supposed to help speed up the drying of hair and detangling of knots.
I was not expecting anything from this brush but it never hurts to try something out right? I used the Good Quikstyle exclusively after I washed my hair.

It did help take out tangles a lot easier and quicker than when I was using a comb. However, I really do think that any type of hairbrush in general would probably detangle well. (I haven't used a brush in years so there may be some terrible brushes out there.)

As with the quicker drying time? Ehh...I personally did not experience my hair drying any faster than it normally does. The microfiber bristles did absorb some water though because when I laid it on a paper towel it did leave a wet spot on the paper towel. It's just that compared to the amount of water my hair holds, even after having wrapped my head in a towel for half an hour or more, the Quikstyle's absorption just cannot compare.

This is definitely something I would never have even considered getting because I really didn't have a need for a new comb or brush. After having the opportunity to try this out, it is still a product I probably would not repurchase if for whatever reason the one I have is broken or lost. I will continue to use it interchangeably with my comb but I don't think this product is anything to rave about.

What are your haircare routines like? Did anyone else try this brush out? How did you like/not like it?

Disclaimer: I received this product through the Influenster VoxBox program to try. I do not receive any extra compensation for posting about this product (other than getting to keep the product). I am not obligated at all to write positive reviews either.