Review: H2O+ Face Oasis Cleansing Water

Review: H2O+ Face Oasis Cleansing Water

Hard to see but it's the cleansing water. Very hard to take the picture when it was just creeping through all the cracks and crevices of my brother's hand. How it comes out of the pump bottle as it's near the end. IMore

May 2011 Collective Haul

May 2011 Collective Haul

Finally my purchases of May. I'm warning everyone beforehand that I did a lot of damage last month. A lot of it was because my friend offered to order from Sasa (but because most of the items I wanted went OOS) I went aMore

This or That?

This or That?

Dilemma...! Hopefully I'll get enough responses before I go shopping tomorrow to exchange the ones that I ordered. ^___^ I was shopping for shoes to wear with my dress on Memorial's Day and I thought I finally found something. But unfortunately the store didn'tMore