I am really bad when it comes to washing my makeup brushes. I always put off doing this chore because the whole process just takes too long and my hands get all wrinkly & dry afterwards. I usually go through all of my brushesMore
Target Hauling
Target Hauling
- 5:20:00 PM / By mandy
Erm. So I was probably a teeny bit too confident in my ability to control my impulsive buying habits. It was all going well until I was lured in by a 25% off Real Techniques brushes on target.com a few weeks ago. *shake myMore
Wandering Tales | Smorgasburg ... Again
Wandering Tales | Smorgasburg ... Again
- 10:06:00 PM / By mandy
After the first time I went to Smorgasburg, I said really wanted to go back again. Bestie C and I finally got the chance to squeeze in a visit Saturday. The weather forecast for the day predicted clouds and a bit of precipation. ButMore
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