October Haul

You would think that after the massive skincare haul I made last month at Peach & Lily's sample sale I would not buy anything else for a while. Funny. There's always something to accumulate...apparently. At least the few items I picked up in October were all bought on sale, with discounts, or given to me as a gift/souvenir. Once CVS hooked and reeled me in with their discounts, I lost all control. I can see why there are people in the world who take coupon-ing very seriously. The satisfaction is unreal. I comfort myself by saying I paid $10 or less for each item.
When Neutrogena released their Light Therapy Acne Spot Treatment I was skeptical but intrigued. Price kept me from getting one to call my own; at it's cheapest I've seen it retail around USD $17, at it's priciest I've seen close to USD $23. If the dinky looking light wand didn't work, $23 would have been a nice filling meal out with friends! As my face was erupting during that time of the month, I coincidentally found a $10 off manufactures coupon for the Neutrogena Light Therapy range and CVS also sent me a 25% off coupon...I beelined right to the store. After coupons and taxes, I ended up only paying $8.77 for the light therapy stick. Score!
After falling in love with the CeraVe PM Facial Moisturizing Lotion, I couldn't help but get another backup since I had coupons a plenty (40% off + $2 manufacturer's coupon...$16.49 to $8.77). I am not in dire need of another moisturizer right now but it is more reassuring to know I have a backup on hand just in case one of the newer products doesn't work out. Plus, when I do use the PM lotion, one bottle only lasts me around a month. The bottles in reserve wouldn't sit and rot in my stash drawer, ever.
My wallet is in a dangerous place after I rediscovered Liah Yoo, who also introduced me to the Gothamist on YouTube. Their skincare philosophies and expertise can be pretty convincing. Renée recently raved about the CeraVe Hydrating Cleanser for the cooler drier weather and, what else is new, I found myself swimming in coupons and sales again. The entire CeraVe line was on a 25% off sale that week, I had a $2 off $10 CeraVe purchase coupon at CVS, and I remembered the $2 coupon on CeraVe's website. To top of all off, I also had $3 CVS ExtraBucks. A $13.99 purchase became a $3.80 steal.
Maybe acne patches will make a yearly appearance in my haul posts? As with last year, my Aunt stocked up on the dressings when she visited China. I honestly still haven't gone through the stash from her last trip but it never hurts to have these on hand. When the sticker work, it works so well.