Upside down Kabuki?

Upside down Kabuki?

Ahh, holidays = no school! But, what a boring day today was. I just stayed home and did practically nothing! So unprotective I know..time is precious and I didn’t make good use of it. Even though I should have been very busy, IMore

First Day of Senior Year + Products I Used

First Day of Senior Year + Products I Used

First day of school was today! How exciting…! My last year of high school. To be honest, it didn’t feel particularly different. I think a lot of the underclassmen disguise themselves very well! At least the ones that don’t look very young blendMore

August 2010 Collective Haul

August 2010 Collective Haul

First off, thank you soo much for those that gave me tips in my last post! I’m definitely going to be trying them over the next few weekends and practice before I actually wear it out/to school :] ------------------------------ Now..onto my monthly hauls!More