Swatch: American Apparel Nail Lacquer Office

I got this a few Saturdays ago when best friend and I went to Soho for a shopping day :]

I haven’t posted the haul post yet but I couldn’t wait to try it.

It’s very different from what I usually wear and a lot of people had been trying out these minty/jade-y nail colors. I got sucked in :X

If Best Friend didn’t say she wanted to go to American Apparel to look for nail polishes, I would have never known they even had lol So this was a pretty impulse buy.

When we went they sold for $6 each (if I remember correctly) and 3 for $15. So the prices are about the same as Essie and OPI if you can get them at nail/beauty supply store prices.

The color I got is in Office. I only saw a couple of the names and they are pretty…unique? I wonder why they chose office for this color.

It is a pretty thick yet slightly liquidy and opaque formula. I believe I only put 1 coat of this on and it turned out pretty well. With this sort of formula, I like to apply it towards the center and leave some space from the outer edges so it makes my nails look slimmer lol

Anyways…no more babbling. Swatches down below! ^__^

Taken with natural light & flash

Taken with natural light & no flash

Taken with artificial light & flash

Giveaway alert!

bang bang she shoots: x Facebook x Twitter First Giveaway

(click on image to go to her blog)

There will be 3 winners in this giveaway..

First prize - KOSE Esprique Precious Palette in F-2 and Lunasol Full Glamour Lipgloss in 05 Tender Beige and Lavshuca Mix Color Cheeks in OR-1

2nd prize - Dolly Wink Pencil Liner in Black, Coffret D'or Aqua Rouge Lipstick in PK247 and Heroine Make Essence in BB cream (one shade)

3rd prize - Shiseido Integrate Dramatic Deep Eye palette in PK-741 and Visee (new) Lash Wide Impact mascara in BR300

Simple Rules:
1. Join her's facebook page by clicking "Like"and join the giveway event (will check)
2. Join her's Twitter by following her (will check)
3. Re-tweet about this give away on Twitter OR Share on your Facebook status OR Blog about this
4. Leave your entry on's Facebook EVENT wall: "Count me in Giveway", state your twitter screen name and your re-tweet link OR Facebook status (screen shot preferable if your FB is private) OR blog post link.

*Winners will be chosen randomly by her husband!*
*One person per entry*
**Giveaway closes on 15th August 11.59pm Japan time.**
PLEASE NOTE: Any entries left in the comment will not be counted in the giveaway.
Of course, this is one of may giveaways her will be holding in the future.
**By joining her sites you'll get a full update of products, sales and giveaways**
Thank you and Good luck!!

Love Package from Lotus Palace

About a month ago I entered LotusPalace’s giveaway.
Now we all know how popular Lotus Palace is :P So I wasn’t expecting anything.
But lo and behold a couple of weeks ago…she posted that I won! ^__^
I received her package yesterday and thought it’d be nice to share what I got :]

Front of the package

Back of the package
Her packages are always so pretty and cute! :P

Look it gets better!
Put into a nice baggie. Hehe I get easily amused ^__^

Top L to R (extras): Cosline Herb Essence Mask & Cosline Tomato Essence Mask
Bottom L to R (actual prizes): Hiaruronsan Hyaluronic Acid Gel & Covercom Stick Foundation - Shade 01

Swatch: OPI Rumples Wiggin'

I think this has become one of my favorite nail polishes ^__^
Although it applied a bit streaky, after the 2nd coat it is pretty opaque and you can't really see strokes. Still have to be careful when applying it. Have to work quickly! And the top coat helped to even it out (a little bit) so no worries.
It's a really pretty color. If you can get your hands on it, try it :]

Left one is OPI Rumples Wiggin'

One coat only (Taken when I was applying)

Two coats with top coat w/ Flash (Taken couple of days after, excuse the chipping :X)

Two coats with top coat w/out Flash (Taken couple of days after, excuse the chipping :X)

June 2010 Collective Haul

I should have posted this a couple of days ago but my summer vacation mode started to set in >__<

Neutrogena Healthy Skin Enhancer in Neutral to Tan 40

Heard a lot of good things about it so I bought it. Originally I thought it’ll be good to even out my skin for the portrait photo, but I decided not to risk using a liquid product.

bareMinerals Matte in Light

I was going to use my MAC Mineralized Skinfinish Natural, but after really examining myself with it one (gosh that sounds so conceited/narcissistic :X) it does look a bit too light for me now that it’s summertime. When I went to Sephora to get this, the MUA/SA told me to go with a pink undertoned foundation. I know I’m definitely yellow undertoned so I didn’t listen to her hehe >__> (But in my defense, she matched it to my discolored cheeks instead of my neck…)

Sonia Kashuk Concealer Palette

I’ve also heard good things about this. Unfortunately, it was discontinued before and now I guess they repackaged/reformulated(?) it and brought it back. I was very excited when I saw this at Target. One more (technically 3 more lol) concealers added to my collection!

L to R: St. Ives Naturally Clear Green Tea Cleanser, N.Y.C. Bronzing Face Powder

I went to a couple of drugstores in my neighborhood in search of the LE N.Y.C. blushable crème sticks but didn’t find any. So instead I bought these two items :X I’ve been breaking out a lot and I think the cleanser might have helped (but I’m not too sure) and I have a ton of BB Creams but they’re all too light for my neck but pretty perfect for my I was hoping the bronzer could help me.

Miniature bottle of Seche Vite top coat

I found this at a local nail supply store. I’ve never seen this one open whenever I walk buy it, but I did recently (who knows why lol). I didn’t intend to spend a lot of money, but when I walked it I wanted to like everything. So many Essie’s and OPI’s and some other nail polishes that I’ve never heard of before. I think this store was more catered to Nail Salons. So…I walked out with this little thing :] So far I like it!

MUJI Cotton

They’re cheaper than drugstore ones, a lot softer, and come in a bigger pack. Can’t go wrong :P

L to R: O.P.I. Rumples Wiggin’ and Whats with the Cattitude?

I had my eyes on these since I went to the nail supply store last time. Once I saved up enough money I went and got these babies :] I have a slight obsession with purple (my mom says I’m crazy :X), especially light purple, so I had to get this one. And What's with the Cattitude is very pretty and different from what I normally wear so I also got it. I’ve only tried on Rumples Wiggin’ though (Will put swatches in another post)

Giveaway alert!

Coffretgorge's Birthday Giveaway

(click on image to go to her blog)

1) You must publicly follow her blog.
2) Simply leave a comment along with your e-mail address on her post.
3) Reposting is optional, but will get you 2 bonus entries. If you reposted, please leave the link along with your comment and e-mail.
Comment with your email = 1 entry
Comment with your email and link = 3 entries
4) Open to both local and international readers.
5) Ends July 31, 2010 (PHT +8:00)

The End & New Beginnings!

End of the school year (for me) as an high school junior ^__^
Bye Bye final exams!
Bye Bye regents exams!
Bye Bye AP exams! (took 2..can't wait to get my scores)
Bye Bye SAT I (took 1 and did better than expected) & II (took 3 and did ehh on it >__<)!

Hello summer vacation!
Hello internship!
Hello relaxation! (kind of...not really - going to be a busy searching)

I can't wait!!!

How's everyone else spending their summer? :]

Giveaway alert!

Another awesome giveaway I want to share :]

(click on picture to go to her blog)

WHO: One winner will be chosen by (Maybe 2nd & 3rd winners depending on entries.)
WHAT: Choose any Korean Brand(s) you like. (She'll try her best to get you the one you want.) You can choose up to 3 products and up to $60 worth of makeup/skincare/etc. (No bulky or heavy items.)
WHEN: Now - July 31st! She will email you when a winner is chosen. You must reply back within 2 days so she has time to buy your items. Otherwise, another winner will be chosen.
WHERE: She'll be purchasing them while she's am in Korea and sending the items to you when she returns to the States.
WHY: Sometimes Korean makeup can be hard to come across for many people. So you can choose items that you've always wanted to try or want or already love!
HOW TO ENTER: 3 easy peasy steps!
1. You must be a follower of her blog.
2. Leave a comment with your email & blog. Briefly, tell her why you want to try or already love Korean makeup!
3. Make a post on your blog about the 'I HAVE SEOUL' MAKEUP GIVEAWAY! with the Giveaway Photo. She will check! (Doesn't have to be a full post.)
SUGGESTIONS: TheFACESHOP, Banila Co., Etude House, SkinFood, Laniege, etc.


The situation is...
Yesterday some my graduate class at my HS found out that our portrait photos will be taken next week. (We're currently juniors)
It came as a surprise because would make more sense to have them taken maybe in the summer or fall when we come back to school since a lot of things could happen over a couple of months, 2.they only gave us 1 week's notice.
My mom has already confirmed that I do not need to get a haircut, but I have another situation...
I have lots acne scars and blemishes all over my cheeks and chin :(
Does anyone have any recommendations for concealer/powder/foundation that will cover it but still look natural and is flash photography friendly (aka no mask face)?

------some funny stories related to this (at least I think they're quite amusing)------
1. On the postcard that suggests what we should wear/do in preparation for the picture day it includes "Apply concealer or powder to minimize blemishers & shine"
-It probably won't sound that unusual, but my school is pretty big (my graduating class has ~1000+ people) and I doubt half of them wear makeup (mostly guys & some girls).

2. People started to get these index cards that tells us what day we're taking the photos yesterday, and a guy in my class shaved his head >__< But then again, he doesn't seem like a person that would care if he had hair or was bald in his yearbook photo. Lol

Giveaway alert!

Awesome awesome giveaway!
Especially if you're like me and don't own circle lenses (but want to try) or totally newbie with lashes :X ^__^
Click on the photo to go to her blog!

1. You must be a subscriber to her blog via Google Friend Connect. To subscribe, you simply click on the “Join this site” on the left sidebar. This giveaway is hosted for her readers only! :)
2. You must be a subscriber to her Youtube channel. Click on the word “youtube” to access my youtube channel.
3. You must be a subscriber to Kiwiberry’s website! Same thing, go there and click “Join this site”.
4. You must be a follower of her Twitter
For one point; you can comment once and and tell her what you want her to make my next youtube video on!
For two points; comment and tell her what you want her too make her next youtube video on, PLUS make blog post linking back to this post and comment and give her the link!
For three points; make a video response telling her what you want her to make her next youtube video on, and comment and give her the link!
For four points; do all three of the above!!

Ends 7/9/10

Giveaway alert!

A Watercolour Sky is having an amazing giveaway!
Check it out by clicking on the picture ^__^

1. Leave a comment on this post telling her what is your idea of the perfect day.

2. For extra entries, you may:
i. Post about this giveaway on your blog if you have one.
ii. Tweet about this giveaway in the following manner: "A Watercolour Sky @watercoloursky is giving away more makeup goodies! Enter at"

If you do either #2 or #3, please drop a comment on this post again (leave 2 comments if you do both) so she can easily count your extra entries.

Anyone can enter BUT you must, must, must click on the "follow" button on the left menu on the sidebar, and select 'follow publicly'. Your profile must NOT be privatized in order for her to check that you are following. Otherwise she will not count your entry in the final tally.

Closes a week from today Monday June 14th, Eastern Standard Time. Good luck! :)

Retail Therapy Haul

I planned and did go to Chinatown today after school and got more than I originally expected to buy :X I guess it was kind of retail therapy? Today was a totally, excuse my language, crappy day. Anyways here goes:

Left top: KeraSys Hair Clinic System Shampoo Repairing x3 (freebie)
Left bottom: KeraSys Hair Clinic System Repairing Rinse x3 (frebbie)
Middle: Kose Softymo Speedy Cleansing Oil
Right: My Beauty Diary Mask - Strawberry Yogurt Mask

Mandom Morning Hair Fix Water
Totally influenced by fuzkittie ^__^
Going to try it out when I have really bad bed hair.
Wasn't even looking for this, but when I saw it I really wanted to try it :X
I have no self-control! Ahh...

Almost There + Small Haul

Ahh only...7 more school days (well 6 full school days and 1 half day) and...a few Regents Exams and it'll be the end of the school year for me ^___^ I'm so excited for summer, but very excited about my hectic college search *sigh* Until Spring 2011, I'm going to be sooo stressed.

I was going to post about this yesterday but got carried away relaxing because in the morning I took 3 SAT II exams (Physics, U.S. History, and Math Level 1). Even though I don't think I did that great on them, I think I'm not going to cancel my scores because I did put effort into it and some colleges do like to see it. At least I tried right? Let's hope for the best ^___^

After being confined in a classroom for ~3 hrs, I didn't feel like going home just yet. I went to the Rite Aid that was close to the school that I took the test at. I wanted to see if they had the NYC Blushable Creme Sticks that everyone has been talking about and they did (probably because they're a newer Rite Aid, the other one that is in my neighborhood is pretty old :X) This Rite Aid had them but I only saw 2 limited edition shades and some other non-limited edition shades. Some shades that I saw there...Plaza Pink, Big Apple Blush, Urban Spice, South Street Seashell, Mauvin' Uptown, Berry New Yorker, and Wild Berry. I only limited myself to 3 because I want to save up for something else :P

L to R: Berry New Yorker, Big Apple Blush, Plaza Pink


Has this ever happened to anyone?

You've been following tons of blogs and then suddenly you refresh the Dashboard page and it says you're not following anything. I hope this is just a glitch >__< So many blogs that I don't know where to start looking again :(

--edit (literally less than 1 minute after I post my frustration)--

The blogs I'm following are back!! ^___^
Blogger should fix that problem...

Giveaway alert!

Lots of giveaways lately! Such awesome bloggers :]

mrsdumpling's Come Back Giveaway

Click on picture to go to her site!

1. Be a public follower of her blog.
2. Comment and suggest a product that you can't live without (makeup/skin product only) during summer besides sunscreen.
3. EXTRA entry for those who blog about this giveaway and you must leave a link for her.
4. Leave your name and email.
NOTE: She will disqualify those whose account is only for entering giveaways.
Giveaway will close June 17th at 6pm ET. Winner will be chosen randomly.